Shortage Of Activity In Activity Centres

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The latest FACTBase report released by the Committee for Perth reveals that despite decades of strategic activity centres being created across the Perth and Peel regions, the city still remains the number one destination for workers. Figures reveal more than 123,000 workers make the commute to Perth. The second most popular metropolitan commuter destination is Stirling with more than 68,100.

“One of the key policy objectives for strategic activity centres was to reduce the overall need for people to travel by creating employment options closer to where they live. Looking at the commuting figures, that doesn’t appear to have been achieved,” said Committee for Perth CEO, Marion Fulker.

“The majority of Perth commuters are currently travelling from the outer suburbs into the CBD, with little travel between the suburbs. Activity centres were created to provide an even distribution of jobs, services and amenities throughout Perth and Peel. But what we have seen over the decades is the hub and spoke approach to delivering infrastructure, where there’s limited development of transport infrastructure and planning between the spokes.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Committee For Perth acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present.